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Hace una semana, el investigador en formación François Burgay ha estado en nuestro laboratorio de QUIMA-IOCAG aprendiendo como realizamos estudios de oxidación y reducción de Fe a niveles subnanomolares con la técnica de la quimioluminiscencia. Esta visita es una forma de ampliar horizontes para que el investigador en formación pueda seguir con nuevas líneas en el futuro próximo. Desde el grupo QUIMA estamos muy contentos con su visita.

A continuación dejamos la carta de agradecimiento que nos hace llegar.

My name is François and I am a PhD student in Science and Management of Climate Change at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy. My main interest of research is iron speciation in ice cores both performing absorption and chemiluminescence measurements. In particular, I want to see how dust fluxes have changed in the last millennia and to understand the impact of volcanoes on the Earth climate.

I am really thankful to Magdalena, Melchor and Carolina to have accepted my request to visit the labs in Gran Canaria. In the week I was here I performed some kinetic studies as a starting point for the future development of new analytical methods and to improve the set-up of the FeLume system I optimized in Venice.
It was an excellent, even if short, experience with great researchers. 
